
This is a template portfolio for the students attending the BlueStamp Engineering program.

Project maintained by abirbhatt Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

3D-Printed Roller Coaster

I am working on a fully functional 3D-Printed roller coaster model. Most of the components, such as the train, track, and supports, will be created and sliced using CAD softwares. Also, the roller coaster features a lift hill that functions using a chain, gears, and a DC motor.

Engineer School Area of Interest Grade
Abir Bhatt Homestead High School Mechanical Engineering Incoming Senior

Headstone Image

First Milestone

My first milestone was designing and printing a small prototype of the track. To design it, I used Onshape, a 3D CAD software. By extruding and sweeping different shapes, I was able to create a simple example of the roller coaster track. I attempted to 3D print the design, but learned that the printer was unable to print the supports and track all in one piece. Consequently, I had to print them seperately and combine them with glue.

Milestone 1 - Abir Bhatt

3D Design

3D Design

Second Milestone

My second milestone is the dessign and print of the roller coaster car. I divided the design into three parts: wheels, axles, and the body of the car. While designing these pieces, I faced several challenges. The dimensions were very precise, and my printer kept printing inaccurately. This forced me to play around with the dimensions and print several times. Also, it was difficult for me to picture the car’s image and design it myself in Onshape.

Milestone 2

Final Milestone

My final milestone was the final design of the car and starting the chain mechanism. To fit on the on the chain, I initially designed a hook on the bottom of the car which fits perfectly between the chain links. However, the hook was too small for my printer’s capabilities and it printed inaccurately. To solve this issue, I replaced the hook with a small block that also fits in between the chain links. In the future, I plan to print gears and supports to fully construct the lift hill.

Final Milestone

Demo Night

Demo Night